
Digital Booster

Bringing Female and Youth initiatives to the next level through digital assets

Digital Boosting

What is a Digital Boosting Program ?

First of all, the word “Boosting” of the verb To Boost, connotes a powerful upgrade, capacity building, and especially carried out in a short duration.

So, in our current context, a “Digital Boosting” aimed at youth initiatives is just right : a quick upgrade of their activities with digital inputs, in order to make the most of them.

These digital inputs can range from cross-platform digital advertising to Growth Hacking techniques, without forgetting BtoB/BtoC digital prospecting.

Why Digital Boosting Programs ?

The informal sector contains the largest part of our African economies.

According to a report published by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in 2017, the informal market represents between 20 and 65% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the countries of sub-Saharan Africa, and contributes up to 90% of the employment of young people in some countries.

However, the majority of players in the said sector have little knowledge of the best and good communication practices around their activities, which is a major obstacle to the emergence and effective expansion of the latter.

Below is a result from a Digital Boosting cohort carried out in 2020 by one of our partners: 60% average increase in turnover + 2 jobs satisfied in 6 months per company boosted!

Our approach

At UppingSquare, we take this challenge to heart, and would like to address it with two ways :

  1. Offer Digital Boosting programs allowing, on the one hand, to lay the good foundations of their digital communication, and on the other hand, to give a first “Woo Moment” to their sales flow.
  2. Set up dedicated training courses in Digital Marketing, Financial Management and Leadership, free of charge for each participant, in order to broaden their knowledge on the subjects and maintain and increase the good work set.


  1. 150 Female and Youth Initiatives Digital Boosting per year (3 cohorts of 50 every 4months)
  2. An average increase of 60% in turnover + 2jobs satisfied per activity boosted after 6months
  3. Nothing less than 300 jobs to be created and satisfied per year

Digital Boosting Registration